Personal Development; how I think I’m getting on..

Hi, guys! Its so nice to have you back! And by you, I mean you. Each and every single person that reads my blogs, gives me feedback or constructive criticism, is helping me along the way. I mean, writing to nobody but your own touchy self can sometimes be relaxing, but just knowing that somebody out there might just stumble across your posts- it’s just amazing. I wanted to bring you along to take a look at my personal development, to see if i have developed at all! Well, I don’t want to keep you waiting, so here’s what I will be covering on this post today;

  • Where it started 
  • How far (or not) I’ve come
  • In my ‘drafts’ 
  • Plans for the future 
  • The daily juggle
  • With thanks

Where it started

As I’ve already covered this topic well in my first blog ever post, I won’t over-do it on the details. I’m basically a very open minded person, and I love expanding my thoughts to the limit. Most people say I take after my dad, as he was an excellent writer, arstist, singer/song writer, the list could go on. I like to think some of his writing skill has rubbed off on me, and I’ve taken more than just his looks (some may say I look like my dad in a wig). Really, my English teacher in school, Mr. Derbyshire, is to thank for my confidence in my own writing. At one point, I had little to no confidence and my teacher praised my work, gave brilliant advice, and always had some constructive critisism for me. Now, when I write anything, I have his voice in my head; reminding me that I am good enough. One of the first books (or stories)outside of school I ever wrote was composed on a very old windows laptop, that my sister had given me when she got her new one. The only two things I knew how to work on it were playing solitaire and writing on Microsoft Word. So I started, I just thought up a very basic story line in my head and let my thoughts flow through the keyboard. My mum would shout at me for typing so fast and hard, all the ideas and storylines couldn’t spill out of my brain onto that blank space quick enough. My laptop went everywhere with me, and when it needed charging, I’d switch back to a pad and pen while I waited. I was the same on paper. I’d end up writing a list of ‘things not to forget’ for my books and stories, on the last page of the notebook, or on a separate page somewhere close to keep checking. My dad wrote articles about how he tried his hardest to provide for his family and children, shortly after his diagnosis of cancer. He’d send them in the post to magazine companies like Take a break. I think he sent a few copies of his story- all to be rejected, due to not being as sad a story like the ones they feature. I’m sure my dad knew he was dying, and tried to get his story across before he died- to make sure his kids knew he tried his upmost best in all situations. He never showed any emotion towards being rejected for the magazine articles, instead he put his paper he’d written, the cover letter and photos in the envelope along with the rejection letter, and stored it somewhere. I’m not sure if my mother still has it. My first blog was incredibly hard. I didnt know what to write about, id researched hundreds of different topics to look over, write about or even review something.. But i couldnt put my finger om anything. So I decided to write about myself. Just let my thoughts run free instead of storing them at the back of my head whilst I do the dishes. In the past I’ve started writing articles, stories, books, poems and just about everything I could write, but the fear of what people would think of me always stopped me from sharing anything. I like to think I’ve come a long way from there to here- having just about enough confidence to share my writing with the world! 

How far (or not) I’ve come … 

Now, as I sit here and write this post, it is way past bed time. I’m currently sat with a cup of tea (I know, caffeine at this hour), enjoying the sweet sound of silence. As of now, I have infront of me a large, snoring very sick (man-flu) fiancé, on the couch. He will stay there until he gets really cold through the night. Yes, he does fall asleep on the couch often. We put my four year old daughter to bed, followed by my 19 month old son, then my fiancé is absolutely sure he’s wide awake and he’s coming to bed tonight. But, an hour into a movie and he’s snoring away- guaranteed, every night. Most women might find this frustrating, or get annoyed with it, but I really enjoy having the freedom to go to bed when I like, and completely star fish when I get there. My four month old son is currently napping in his favourite swinging chair. Ah, yes, this is the hour. Although my body and brain are screaming for sleep, I’m still sat with stinging eyes trying to get that little bit of me time. OK, so I went to bed. I literally fell asleep typing this post about four times, so I had to call it a night. So, I’ll carry on.. As I was saying, I’m just a normal stay at home mother. I look after my kids and fiancé all day, when he isn’t at work, and then of a night time.. I get to do as I please. I write these blogs in between nap times, the TV hour, play time, and virtually any free time I get. I’m very lucky to get any free time at all, as I have mentioned before; I have three under fives at home. Weekends are crazy. When my eldest goes to school, I  still have the babies to run around after all day… So I get to my point, I haven’t actually come anywhere in life. I’ve simply plodded along, trying to be the best mother I can for my children, and stumbled across a great opportunity. I really have to thank today’s technology, the internet, and just really people in general. For being able to express myself in this way, and have strangers support, rather than being judged all the time. To bring me back to my main point, I haven’t even told my fiancé that I’ve started this blog- he’s supportive in anything I do, but I still have this nagging thought in the back of my head saying ‘what if nothing comes of it all, and you look like a fool?’ I don’t know if I will ever tell him, or my family.. We will have to see how I do! How do you think I’m coming along? Do you think I should tell people about my blogging? I’d love to know what you all think. Any feedback at all is amazing! 

In my drafts…

So far, I have two drafts.. This post, and a short story I’m currently working on. For now, the title is called ‘My life in a single blog post’ and it is hard work. I’ve only been writing it for a few days, but I can already tell its going to take a good while. But that’s what to look forward to! It might not be the next thing I publish, though. I imagine I will be writing a few shorts and some small posts in the mean time. For now, the two I am working on right now are enough to juggle around alongside my hectic life with children. 

Plans for the future 

How to put this particular point into words has proved to be much harder than I thought. My style of writing is basically just to let it flow, I just type what I’m thinking, then add stuff in later. I don’t know why, but its always been the best way to get all of my thoughts out without anything slipping away. In the future, I hope to have set up a daily blog- where I’ll write about my daily life. I’m optimistically thinking that I should be able to start doing some DIY posts, and beginner tutorials very soon. I love being crafty and making new things with the kids, and I look forward to sharing it all with you. I just hope to bring some good ideas, tips and hints and maybe something useful to your lives. I’m eager to try and share a little bit of me with you. I hope I’ve done that well, so far. 

The daily juggle 

Like I’ve mentioned before, I have life commitments which can sometimes take me away from my blogging  and social media life. I try my hardest to get online a few times a day at least. I’ve got to give my children credit, though – they are very easily entertained and are so independent, it’s actually quite peaceful most of the day in our house. My four month son constantly shouts and giggles to himself, as he has just found his voice.. The only time he is quiet is when he is napping! My 19 month old son is a typical boys boy. He just runs around, kicking or throwing a ball, he builds his stacking cups up in a big tower just so he can knock it down and shout ‘Yay’ while clapping his hands. Our oldest child, is nearly five. She acts like the boys’ mother, always tending to them if she spots them wanting or needing something. Every single day she wants to hold our youngest, she cuddles him to sleep a lot. I can also ask her to put her other baby brother to sleep, and she will take his hand, sit down with him, and he puts his head on her lap, then slowly falls asleep. Her heart is so big and beautiful. If she’s not with the boys she can be found playing in the playroom or making something crafty. Trying to juggle three kids, a pet hamster and a pet lizard, a fiancé (who’s more like my fourth child), along with the daily duties of a stay at home mum, is somewhat of a battle sometimes. I’m lucky to have a really helpful mother in law, and my own mother is always only a phone call away. 

With thanks

To start with, I’d really like to thank you guys.
Yep, you readers who make it all  worth while. As I sit and fight for the time to write this blog, its worth it to know there are kind strangers who willingly read my blogs. To have the thought that I might be helping someone through anything at all is amazing! As I grow and grow I hope you all stay for the ride- I’m eager to help with DIYs and tutorials very soon! So, thank you for reading my blogs, Kat x 

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