My First Blog Ever!

(Pictured below: Me, aged 25 years.) 



Well, where do I even begin? I’m almost positive you’ve all heard that start to a blog post before, right? I understand it all may seem a bit hazy right now… But do not fear! I have a lot in store for my first ever blog! I welcome you here, where you can join me in discussions, read up on my daily blogs, or just do a bit of light reading. I am here to share it all with you. 

So I start with this; where it all began.

As most people do, I have tried numerous, countless times to find something, anything that I am even remotely good at. I have found myself sitting for hours and hours with a pen and paper jotting down ideas and plans for what I could take up as a hobby. But the truth is, I found I enjoyed actually writing the lists and plans than I did any of the things I’d had so much fun jotting down. I LOVED to write! Ah-ha! At last, I’d found my cliché. Touché, inner doubtful self, touché. From that very moment, I realised I had to put aside a lot of the interests I’d scribbled down in one of my bullet point lists.

Inspiration is key. 

The thing I need to remember is, my father was extremely talented. He was a typical Jack of all Trades. I remember he would make the whole family and all of our friends double over in stitches, laughing at his jokes and hysterical facial expressions. One of his main goals in life was to become a famous stand up comedian, when he wasn’t gigging or doing his 9-5 labouring job. He would sit for hours, writing his jokes down and practising the one liners in his head, making himself chuckle along the way. I’ll never forget how brilliantly he could write a story. I’d be sat at the end of my mum’s and Dad’s bed, reading the pages as he wrote the next, waiting in suspence for what was comimg next in his newest horror story. And what an artist he was, too! The man could draw anything you put in front of him. I still have many of his drawings and inventions..(did I mention he was an inventor,also?) His bed time (or anytime) stories consisted of amazing made up adventures or real factual stories, where he’d tell me about how he won competitions in school and the prizes were art supplies.

The motivation. 

 One day, I came home from school to find my bedroom completely transformed into a jungle themed room! My dad knew my favourite movie at the time was Jumanji – with Robin Williams. I gasped in shock and amazement as I looked at the colossal paper mache elephant sticking out of the breast wall, hanging it’s massive trunk over my bed. The main feature of it all had to be the biggest wall in my room. It was covered from every corner and every single inch of the wall had detail- a giant hand painted science from Jumanji.  It even had the famous game board right in the middle, with the dice flying off each side of it. It had a stampede of animals running out of the jungle trees and leaves, with vines and wild jungle colours all over. On another wall, standing from floor to ceiling was a hand made paper mache book case. Also inspired by the movie. The detail on the actual bookshelf itself was amazing, and each book had a name of some of the family members as the title. Names like ‘ Baby Jamie ‘ and ‘Dizzy Lizzy’ were a few of my cousins my dad had nicknamed. So, I suppose you could say if I have any talent in writing at all, it’s definitely came from my Dad.

Its all looking up! 

So, that’s it! Ive written, read and proofread this post so many times, I can practically recite it in my sleep! It might not be perfect, but this is where it all began with me. I have an enormous mixture of topics I like to cover,  discuss and write about, as well as reading other people’s blogs about how they started off, and such! I honestly cannot wait to begin blogging, writing stories and sharing with you all my daily life and what we get up to as a family. I’m so excited! A diary and a notebook is always on my Christmas list, so this is perfect for me. I’m so glad you’ve come along and had a sneak peek into a small part of my past, I’ll be coming with more. I’m so charged up to start writing about my children, too!  

I’ll be back… 

 I started to write this to show where I get my inspiration, where I started, and a small look into my past. I also wanted to let a little bit of me pour in. I’m already planning my next blog… Thanks for reading.

Kat x 

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